Carrefours de l'éducation nº 33 - Le syndicalisme enseignant en Europe
L'Europe économique et sociale - Singularités, doutes et perspectives
The Lisbon Treaty and Social Europe
Sécurité sociale, libre circulation et citoyenneté européennes
  • Authors: MORSA Marc
  • ISBN: 9782874553967
  • Publication Date: 16/05/2012
  • Availability: Out of stock - available in 10 open days
  • 98,00 € 98.0 EUR
Social inclusion and social protection in the EU : interactions between law and policy
Functional and Territorial Interest Representation in the EU
In search of cheap labour in Europe : working and living conditions of posted workers
Maintenir les systèmes européens de sécurité sociale dans une économie mondialisée
Migration and welfare in the new Europe - Social protection and the challenges of integration
Gender and the European Labour Market
Social Failures of EU Enlargement - A Case of Workers Voting with their Feet
  • Authors: MEARDI Guglielmo
  • Publisher: ROUTLEDGE
  • ISBN: 9780415806794
  • Publication Date: 24/10/2011
  • Availability: Out of stock - available in 10 open days
  • 168,00 € 168.0 EUR
Before And After The Economic Crisis - What Implications for the ‘European Social Model’?
Foggy Social Structures - Irregular Migration, European Labour Markets and the Welfare State
Biography and turning points in Europe and America
International social security standards in the European Union : the cases of the Czech Republic and Estonia
Too sick to work? Social security reforms in Europe for persons with reduced earnings capacity
Benchmarking Muslim well-being in Europe - Reducing disparities and polarizations
Cooperatives, Territories and Jobs: Twenty experiences of cooperatives active in industry and services across Europe
Coopératives, Territoires et Emplois : vingt expériences de coopératives encrées localement et actives dans l’industrie et les services en Europe
État et nouvelles responsabilités sociales dans un monde global