Product details
- Categories: Etats-Unis
- Publisher: Republic of Letters Publishing
- Collection: International Relations Studies Series
- ISBN: 9789089790095
- Publication Date: 01/01/2009
- Binding: Hardback
The relationship between the members states of the European Union and the United States have been strained in recent years as a result of shifts in U.S. global strategy, as well as important changes in the international economic, political, and security environment. The tensions in US-EU relations, the growing challenges to both US and EU interests represented by a resurgent Russian Federation as well as the Islamic world, and dramatic shifts in the economic and political capabilities of countries from East Asia to Latin America all contribute to a much more complex international environment than that envisaged in the wake of the end of the Cold War. The current volume will examine the implications of these changes for the future of international politics.
Table of contents
Introduction: The United States and Europe in a Changing World Roger E. Kanet
Part I: The US and EU Perspectives on the Changing World Order
Ch. 1: International Order the American Way: Selective Multilateralism and European Consternation, Joel Westra
Ch. 2: The Bush II Administration’s Policy toward Europe: From Unilateralism to Transformational Diplomacy and Beyond, Gabriela Marin Thornton
Ch. 3: Will the Coalition of Democratic States and Peoples Survive Afghanistan?, Edward A. Kolodziej
Ch. 4: Contributions of NATO and the EU to European and Global Security Governance, Roberto Domínguez Rivera
Ch. 5: The OSCE Role in European and Transatlantic Security: Does it have a Future?, P. Terrence Hopmann
Part II: The EU Impact on Turkish Political Developments
Ch. 6: The Influence of the European Union in the Making of Turkish Foreign Policy, Özlem Terzi
Ch. 7: Turkey between the Transatlantic Partnership, Gülnur Aybet
Part III: Asia and the European Union
Ch. 8: The European Union and India, Amit Das Gupta
Ch. 9: The Everlasting Love for Comparison: Reflections on the EU’s and ASEAN’s Integration, Lay Hwee Yeo
Ch. 10: China-European Relations: Emerging New Modus Operandi, Mingjiang Li
Part IV: Latin America, the United States and Future Integration
Ch. 11: Regional Security and Integration in South America: What UNASUR Could Learn from the OSCE and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Marco Cepik
Ch. 12: Building Trust in Latin America, Monica Herz
Conclusion, Roger E. Kanet