World crisis : the Path to the World Afterwards, Europe and the World in the decade from 2010 to 2020


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The current crisis is a global systemic crisis The crisis thrusts us outside the world shaped by three centuries of European and Western domination Measuring the extent of the challenge posed for anticipating the world after the crisis The present depends as much on our experiences as our expectations Taking stock of the current crisis, a global systemic crisis The recovery that can’t happen The West is committing suicide with the new bubble in Government borrowing 2010-2020 : Build a new global governance or gradually sink into a conflict between major regional blocs The decade 2010 - 2020 The lynchpin of world order for the following decades The inability of the G20 to change the international game in 2009 leads to inevitable global geopolitical dislocation Two major trends will steer the 2010-2020 decade The French case: The French and France at the crossroads influence history again or sink into anonymity Europeans are the only possible switchmen for the world train between 2010 and 2020 The first half of the decade marked primarily by world geopolitical dislocation The rapid disintegration of the whole of the current international system The downfall of the strategic ties of the world financial, economic, monetary and strategic system The crisis, the catalyst of the restoration of the supremacy of the real economy over the virtual economy 2010-2020 decade, towards a knockout victory by the gold over the Dollar Nuclear Proliferation 2010-2020 : Towards a new treaty or in the direction of world chaos Strategic dislocation of the big global players The United States facing the historic “perfect storm” The European Union in the face of its destiny as a future-maker. Between global switchman or National-Europeanism Russia is better prepared than the others for this historic transition China, when the provincial cousin becomes one of the big bosses Japan and Taiwan, two examples of the emergence of an Asian bloc around Beijing between now and 2015 Latin America, so close to becoming an innovative international player, but so close to the U.S Africa, more suitors and little hope Middle East and the Muslim world. The more things happen, the less it changes Israel 2020, two scenarios: Towards the end of the state of Israel, or towards a lasting Israeli state The Resurgence of Turkey 2010-2020, the gradual exit from the Western camp The Balkans 2014, the last EU enlargement Adapt France to the “world after”. Ten years to exit the two century-old centralized model Europe, a crucial decade to anchor in the reality of the Europeans and the world after the crisis European integration : A laboratory prototype suddenly cast into history in 1989 Since the mid-1990s, the European elite haven’t known what to do with Europe except preventing its citizens taking control The EU in the face of the challenge of its historical anchor in the people The Brussels elite are just as parochial as their Parisian counterparts The Eurozone, the only engine of European integration R (evolution) in key foreign languages within the EU between now and 2020. French, German and Russian, the coming decade’s winning threesome Value of international university degrees 2010-2020, look out for the crisis in “subprime” degrees! In a world in full upheaval, prestigious university degrees will also become risky investments! 2012, European education in the face of the post-Erasmus rendez-vous The great European academic challenge in the years 2010-2020: Putting in place a successor to Erasmus The decade when Islam converts to Europe Progressive forces in Europe no longer have a future at national level EU 2020, towards polycentrism and the end of the 1950s triangle Two narratives of the future 2010-2020 The painful dawn of the “world after” The tragic twilight of the “world before”