Description du produit
- Catégories: Raisonnement Abstrait, Décembre 2023, CONCOURS UE, Raisonnement Numérical, Raisonnement Verbal, Jugement Situationnel, Bac à courrier
- Editeur: Logico-Divergence Editions
- ISBN: 9782930656458
- Date de publication: 15/11/2023
- Reliure : Broché
- Nombre de page : 218
- Langue: Anglais
We favor the variety and relevance of the exercises in relation to the
actual tests rather than a large number of exercises which do not always
correspond to what we encounter in an exam situation. The first concern
is efficiency. Generally speaking, whatever the type of test, it is
much less complicated than you imagine. Assistants & Administrators.
We have decided to give the explanations and the answer to an item
immediately after it or in the same chapter. This makes it easier to
understand the mechanisms by avoiding having to go back and forth
between the 1st and 2nd parts of the book, as is the case in the vast
majority of books devoted to selection tests.