The Euro Crisis

ARESTIS Philip , SAWYER Malcolm

161,00 € 161,00 € 161.0 EUR

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The International Papers in Political Economy (IPPE) series explores the latest developments in political economy. This eighth volume focuses on the financial crisis currently gripping the eurozone, examining the root causes and outcomes and the uncertain future of the euro. The volume provides an overview of the crisis and its possible solutions, with a sharp focus on debt sustainability. Individual countries are also analysed in great depth, with four more detailed studies of the economic climate in Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Greece, exploring the implications of the crisis for economic policies of these countries.

Table des matières

Can the Euro Survive After the European Crisis? P.Arestis & M.Sawyer The European Financial and Economic Crisis: Alternative Solutions from a (Post) Keynesian Perspective; E.Hein &T.van Treeck Debt Sustainability Revisited; Y.Monogios & P.Korliras Greece's Sudden Faltering Economy: From Boom to Bust with Special Reference to the Debt Problem; E.Desli & T.Pelagidis The Irish Tragedy; Y.Kitromilides Portugal's Best Way Out of Economic Stagnation: Institutional Reform of the Eurozone; P.Leao & A.Palacio-Vera The Economic Crisis in Spain: Contagion Effects and Distinctive Factors; J.Ferreiro & F.Serrano